If your child is sick

St. Anne Catholic Elementary School encourages a safe and healthy environment for all students. If your child is sick, we ask that you do not send them to school. Sending a sick child to school puts other students at risk. If your child is too sick to go outside for recess, they should be kept home until they are able to participate fully at school.

Please ensure that the school has your current emergency contact information, and inform the office if any of your contact information changes.

The Importance of Frequent Hand Washing

We encourage students to wash their hands frequently throughout the day and:

    • After coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose;

    • Before eating;

    • After shaking hands;

    • After touching someone sick;

    • After using the bathroom; and

    • Before touching their face.

These best practices are reinforced during our TEAM Tuesday assemblies . You can read the Ministry of Ontario's Hand Washing for Children poster which is posted at our school.